Instructions for bulk update * Data till column AA is for product rest for product variant(s) * You can update more variants by repeating variants data in sequence for ex. in sample file first row have 1 variant and second product have no any variants * You can keep fields blank if you don't want to change ------------------------------------------------------------------- products data ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. product id - ID of the product which you want to update. You can find from manage products section - mandatory 2. category id - You can find from categories section 3. tax - You can find from products >> tax section 4. product type - It must be simple_product or variable_product 5. stock type - If you don't want stock management leave it blank. else Case 1 - if product type is simple_product it must be 0 (Stock will be managed product wise) Case 2 - if product type is variable_product and you want to manage stock product wise stock type should be 1 Case 3 - if product type is variable_product and you want to manage stock variant wise stock type should be 2 6. name - Name of the product 7. short description - Short descriotion about product 8. indicator - 0 -> none | 1 -> veg | 2 -> non-veg 9. cod allowed - 0 if COD not allowed - 1 if COD allowed - (default will be 1) 10. minimum order quantity - (default will be 1) 11. quantity step size - (default will be 1) 12. total allowed quantity 13. is prices inclusive tax - 0 if prices are not inclusive tax - 1 if prices are inclusive tax - (default will be 0) 14. is returnable - 0 if product is not returnable - 1 if product is returnable - (default will be 0) 15. is cancelable - 0 if product is not cancelable - 1 if product is cancelable - (default will be 0) 16. cancelable till - It must be received, processed or shipped (case sensitive) if product is cancelable otherwise leave it blank 17. image - You can copy relative path from media section - (for ex. uploads/media/2021/07.jpg) 18. video type - It must be youtube or vimeo(case sensitive) 19. video - Video link 20. tags - It must be comma separated for ex. TV,AC,Cooler etc. 21. warranty period - For ex. 6 months 22. guarantee period - For ex. 1 year 23. made in 24. sku - set it if stock type is 0 or 1 25. stock - set it if stock type is 0 or 1 26. availability - set it if stock type is 0 -> 0 - not available 1 - available 27. description - long description about product 28. deliverable_type - add one of the following value as required to your product. "0" - for product is not ready to delivarable in zipcodes which are in Database. "1" - for product is delivarable in all zipcodes which are in Database. "2" - for product is delivarable in these included zipcodes which are in Database. "3" - for product is delivarable except this zipcodes which are in Database. 29. deliverable_zipcodes - List as per the above option(Deliverable_Type) you selected. And it should be comma separated like 1,2,3 30. seller_id - Set Seller ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- variants data ------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. variant id - ID of the product which you want to update. You can find from your database product variants table - mandatory 29. price - Price of the product. it must be greater than special price 30. special price - Discounted price of the product. it must be smaller than price - default will be 0 means no discounted price 31. sku - set it if stock type is 2 32. stock - set it if stock type is 2 34. availability - set it if stock type is 2 -> 0 - not available 1 - available - optional