/* WRTeam Developers */ API URL -->> http://vendor.eshopweb.store/app/v1/api/{METHOD_NAME} - (all APIs in one file only) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defined API Methods:- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. get_categories 2. get_cities 3. get_areas_by_city_id 4. get_products 5. get_settings 6. get_slider_images 7. validate_promo_code // user's orders management 8. place_order - add_transaction 9. get_orders 10. update_order_item_status // user's ratings management 11. set_product_rating 12. delete_product_rating 13. get_product_rating get_product_review_images // user's address management 14.add_address 15.update_address 16.delete_address 17.get_address // user's cart management 18.get_user_cart 19.remove_from_cart 20.manage_cart(Add/Update) // user management 21.verify_user 22.register_user 23.update_user -reset_password 24.login -get_login_identity // section management 25.get_sections 26.get_notifications // favorite management 27.add_to_favorites(Add/Update) 28.remove_from_favorites 29.get_favorites 30.get_jwt_key //Paypal 31.get_paypal_link() 32.get_offer_images 33.get_faqs 34. stripe_webhook 35. transactions 36. generate_paytm_checksum 37. generate_paytm_txn_token 38. validate_paytm_checksum 39. validate_refer_code 40. flutterwave_webview 41. flutterwave_payment_response 42. delete_order // SUPPORT TICKET API 43. get_ticket_types 44. add_ticket 45. edit_ticket 46. send_message 47. get_tickets 48. get_messages // Direct Bank Transfer 49. send_bank_transfer_proof 50. get_zipcodes 51. get_sellers 52. get_promo_codes 53. upload_media 54. add_product_faqs 55. get_product_faqs 56. send_withdrawal_request 57. get_withdrawal_request 58. delete_user 59. razorpay_create_order 60. update_order_status 61. get_invoice_html 62. update_fcm 63. paypal_transaction_webview 64. is_product_delivarable 65. check_cart_products_delivarable 66. create_midtrans_transaction 67. get_midtrans_transaction_status 68. sign_up 69. download_link_hash 70. check_shiprocket_serviceability 71. check_user_status 72. delete_social_account ------------------------------------------ What parameters to be Passed? See here >> ------------------------------------------ Use POST method to pass the parameters 1. get_categories id:15 // optional limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / name // { default -id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional has_child_or_item: true { default - false} optional 2. get_cities sort: // { c.name / c.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - ASC } optional search:value // {optional} limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional 3. get_areas_by_city_id id:'57' limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: // { a.name / a.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - ASC } optional search:value // {optional} 4. get_products id:101 // optional category_id:29 // optional search:keyword // optional tags:multiword tag1, tag2, another tag // optional attribute_value_ids : 34,23,12 // { Use only for filteration } optional limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort:p.id / p.date_added / pv.price // { default - p.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional is_similar_products:1 // { default - 0 } optional discount: 5 // { default - 5 } optional min_price:10000 // optional max_price:50000 // optional seller_id:1255 //{optional} zipcode:1 // optional product_ids: 19,20 // optional product_variant_ids: 44,45,40 // optional 5. get_settings type : payment_method // { default : all } optional user_id: 15 { optional } 6. get_slider_images //To Get Slider Image get_slider_images 7. validate_promo_code promo_code:'NEWOFF10' user_id:28 final_total:'300' 8. place_order user_id:5 mobile:9974692496 product_variant_id:1,2,3 quantity:3,3,1 total:60.0 delivery_charge:20.0 tax_amount:10 tax_percentage:10 final_total:55 latitude:40.1451 longitude:45.4545 promo_code:NEW20 {optional} promo_discount:20 {optional} payment_method: Paypal / Payumoney / COD / PAYTM / bank_transfer address_id:12 delivery_time:Today - Evening (4:00pm to 7:00pm) delivery_date:10/12/2012 is_wallet_used:1 {By default 0} wallet_balance_used:160 order_note:text //{optional} documents[]:FILES email:testmail123@gmail.com // only enter when ordered product is digital product and one of them is not downloadable(download_allowed = 0) - add_transaction transaction_type : transaction / wallet // { optional - default is transaction } user_id : 15 order_id: 23 type : COD / stripe / razorpay / paypal / paystack / bank_transfer / flutterwave - for transaction | credit / debit - for wallet payment_method:razorpay / paystack / flutterwave // used for waller credit option, required when transaction_type - wallet and type - credit txn_id : 201567892154 amount : 450 status : success / failure / awaiting message : Done 9. get_orders user_id:101 active_status:received // {received,delivered,cancelled,processed} optional limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / date_added // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional download_invoice:1 // { default - 0 } optional 10. update_order_item_status status: { cancelled / returned } order_id:21 11. set_product_rating user_id: 21 product_id: 33 rating: 4.2 comment: 'Done' {optional} images[]:[] 12. delete_product_rating rating_id:32 13. get_product_rating product_id : 12 user_id : 1 {optional} limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: type // { default - type } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 14. add_address user_id:3 type:Home/Office/Others {optional} name:John Smith {optional} country_code:+91 {optional} mobile:1234567890 {optional} alternate_mobile:9876543210 {optional} address:Time Square Empire {optional} landmark:Bhuj-Mirzapar Highway {optional} area_id:1 {optional} city_id:2 {optional} city_name:bhuj {optional} area_name:jay nagar {optional} pincode_name:370001 {optional} pincode:0123456 {optional} state:Gujarat {optional} country:India {optional} is_default:1 {optional}{default - 0} 15. update_address id:1 type:Home/Office/Others {optional} name:John Smith {optional} country_code:+91 {optional} mobile:1234567890 {optional} alternate_mobile:9876543210 {optional} address:Time Square Empire {optional} landmark:Bhuj-Mirzapar Highway {optional} area_id:1 {optional} city_id:2 {optional} city_name:bhuj {optional} area_name:jay nagar {optional} pincode_name:370001 {optional} pincode:0123456 {optional} state:Gujarat {optional} country:India {optional} is_default:1 {optional}{default - 0} 16. delete_address id:4 17. get_address user_id:3 offset:0 {optional} limit:5 {optional} 18. get_user_cart user_id:2 delivery_pincode:370001 //optional when standard shipping is on only_delivery_charge:0 (default:0)// if 1 it's only returen shiprocket delivery charge OR return all cart information address_id:2 // only when only_delivery_charge is 1 is_saved_for_later: 1 { default:0 } 19. remove_from_cart // Deleted API 20. manage_cart(Add/Update/Remove) user_id:2 product_variant_id:60 is_saved_for_later: 1 { default:0 } qty:6 21. verify_user mobile: 9874565478 email: test@gmail.com {optional} 22. register_user name:gk email:gurnanikaran67@gmail.com mobile:9874565478 country_code:91 dob:1998/11/12 {optional} city:bhuj {optional} area:ravalwadi {optional} street:123 {optional} pincode:370001 {optional} fcm_id:YOUR_FCM_ID {optional} referral_code:MY_CODE friends_code:45dsrwr {optional} latitude:66.89 {optional} longitude:67.8 {optional} password:12345 23. update_user user_id:34 username:hiten {optional} mobile:7852347890 {optional} email:amangoswami@gmail.com {optional} address:Time Square {optional} area:ravalwadi {optional} city:bhuj {optional} pincode:370001 {optional} //optional parameters referral_code:Userscode old:12345 new:345234 //file image:[] //{optional} - reset_password mobile_no:7894561235 new: pass@123 24. login mobile: 9874565478 password: 12345678 fcm_id: FCM_ID - get_login_identity 25. get_sections limit:10 // { default - 25 } {optional} offset:0 // { default - 0 } {optional} user_id:12 {optional} section_id:4 {optional} attribute_value_ids : 34,23,12 // top_rated_product: 1 // { default - 0 } optional p_limit:10 // { default - 10 } {optional} p_offset:10 // { default - 0 } {optional} p_sort:pv.price // { default - pid } {optional} p_order:asc // { default - desc } {optional} discount: 5 // { default - 5 } optional min_price:10000 // optional max_price:50000 // optional zipcode:1 // optional 26. get_notifications limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: type // { default - type } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 27. add_to_favorites user:15 product_id:60 28.remove_from_favorites user_id:12 product_id:23 {optional} 29. get_favorites user_id:12 limit : 10 {optional} offset: 0 {optional} 30. get_jwt_key 31. get_paypal_link user_id:73 order_id:11 amount:150 32. get_offer_images //To Get Offer Images get_offer_images 33. get_faqs limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 34. stripe_webhook // Used by the Stripe webhook 35. transactions user_id:73 id: 1001 // { optional } transaction_type:transaction / wallet //razorpay { default - transaction } optional type : COD / stripe / razorpay / paypal / paystack /refund/ flutterwave - for transaction | credit / debit - for wallet // { optional } search : Search keyword // { optional } limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / date_created // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 36. generate_paytm_checksum order_id:1001 amount:1099 user_id:73 //{ optional } industry_type:Industry //{ optional } channel_id:WAP //{ optional } website:website link //{ optional } 37. generate_paytm_txn_token amount:100.00 order_id:102 user_id:73 industry_type: //{optional} channel_id: //{optional} website: //{optional} 38. validate_paytm_checksum paytm_checksum:PAYTM_CHECKSUM order_id:1001 amount:1099 user_id:73 //{ optional } industry_type:Industry //{ optional } channel_id:WAP //{ optional } website:website link //{ optional } 39. validate_refer_code referral_code:USERS_CODE_TO_BE_VALIDATED 40. flutterwave_webview amount:100 user_id:73 reference:eShop-165232013-400 // { optional } 41. flutterwave_payment_response 42. delete_order order_id:1 43. get_ticket_types 44. add_ticket ticket_type_id:1 subject:product_image not displying email:test@gmail.com description:its not showing images of products in web user_id:1 45. edit_ticket ticket_id:1 ticket_type_id:1 subject:product_image not displying email:test@gmail.com description:its not showing images of products in web user_id:1 status:3 or 5 [3 -> resolved, 5 -> reopened] 46. send_message user_type:user user_id:1 ticket_id:1 message:test attachments[]:files {optional} {type allowed -> image,video,document,spreadsheet,archive} 47. get_tickets ticket_id: 1001 // { optional} ticket_type_id: 1001 // { optional} user_id: 1001 // { optional} status: [1 -> pending, 2 -> opened, 3 -> resolved, 4 -> closed, 5 -> reopened]// { optional} search : Search keyword // { optional } limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id | date_created | last_updated // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 48. get_messages ticket_id: 1001 user_type: 1001 // { optional} user_id: 1001 // { optional} search : Search keyword // { optional } limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id | date_created | last_updated // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 49. send_bank_transfer_proof order_id:1 attachments:file {optional} {type allowed -> image,video,document,spreadsheet,archive} 50. get_zipcodes limit:10 {optional} offset:0 {optional} 51. get_sellers zipcode:1 //{optional} limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id | date_created | last_updated // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional search:Search keyword // { optional } 52. get_promo_codes limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort:id id / name order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional search:value //{optional} 53. upload_media documents[]:FILES 54. add_product_faqs product_id:25 user_id:1 question:test 55. get_product_faqs id:2 // {optional} product_id:25 // {optional} user_id:1 // {optional} search : Search keyword // { optional } limit:25 // { default - 10 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 56. send_withdrawal_request user_id:15 payment_address: 12343535 amount: 560 57. get_withdrawal_request user_id:15 limit:10 offset:10 58. delete_user user_id:15 mobile:9874563214 password:12345695 59. razorpay_create_order order_id:15 60. update_order_status status: cancelled / returned order_id:1201 61. get_invoice_html order_id:214 62.update_fcm user_id:12 fcm_id: FCM_ID 63. paypal_transaction_webview user_id : 2 order_id : 1 amount : 1000 64. is_product_delivarable product_id:10 zipcode:132456 65. check_cart_products_delivarable address_id:10 user_id:12 66. create_midtrans_transaction order_id : 122 amount:1000 67. get_midtrans_transaction_status order_id:122 68. sign_up mobile:9876543210 email:abc123@gmail.com fcm_id:FCM_ID name:seema type:mobile country_code:91 referral_code:REF_CODE friends_code:FRIENDS_CODE laitude:69.654564654654 longitude:23.64654564545 active:1 69. download_link_hash order_item_id : 100 user_id : 100 70. check_shiprocket_serviceability product_variant_id:15 delivery_pincode:370001 71. check_user_status user_id:15 72. delete_social_account user_id:15 73. instamojo_webview user_id:73 order_id:101 amount:100 // only pass while wallet refill